It starts with a complimentary speech and language screening…
This provides a reference point to help measure each child’s progress toward achieving essential developmental milestones.
Free Screening
Vine & Branch offers complimentary speech and language screenings for preschool students ages 18 months and up at the beginning of each school year. The screening therapist will send home a consent form through your child’s preschool with all of the information. Once the form is signed, the therapist will complete the screening during school hours and then discuss results with parents, typically over the phone. Educators and parents may request a speech and language screening (again with parental consent only) at any time during the school year if concerns arise regarding a student’s communication progress.
After the screening, if a full speech and language evaluation is recommended, you will receive a more detailed intake form. Rates for evaluations and therapy will be discussed at this time. If you choose to pursue an evaluation, any teachers directly involved in your child’s education will be informed. Evaluations will be completed at school and typically last anywhere from 1 to 2 hours. Once the evaluation is complete, the speech therapist will schedule a virtual consult with you to review results. Please allow 2-3 weeks from the time of the evaluation for the speech therapist to schedule the consult. This will give the therapist sufficient time for evaluation, analysis, test scoring and report writing.
Therapy Plan
If speech therapy is recommended, you have several options. Should you choose Vine & Branch for therapy, teachers will also be provided details of your child’s therapy plan as well as specific strategies that can help your child’s speech and language progress in the classroom. At the time of the first therapy session, you will receive a folder, which will be sent home after each therapy session. The contents of this folder will help facilitate communication and education, as well as contain “carryover” techniques that you can implement at home. The speech therapist and teachers will communicate and collaborate with you frequently to ensure your child’s progress.